IT services at DSV

IT services at DSV. Here you will find information about our IT systems, available resources and services while studying with us.


Personal resources

Your university account grants you access to more or less all of the resources provided by the university, for example wi-fi and computer labs.
More information about your university account is available here

Change password

Find information how to change your password here

Forgot password

Instructions on how to reset your password are available here
If the instructions don’t work for you, please contact DSV helpdesk.

About wireless networking at Stockholm University

Everything you need to know about the university wi-fi is available here

You have two home directories, one connected to our Windows environment and another connected to our Linux environment. Both can be accessed in a number of different ways, both on campus and from home or abroad.


Your windows home directory is automatically used when you log in to windows in a computer lab or via remote desktop, so your files follow you around as you move between computers.

You are normally limited to 4GB of storage space in your home directory. If you need more space, please contact helpdesk with a description of your situation and they will probably be able to raise your quota as required.

If you want to access your home directory from your own computer you can either use our remote desktop server (see "Remote desktop" below) or use SFTP to connect to Connecting to wftp works just like using SFTP to connect to the linux environment (see "Linux" below), except that the server you connect to is instead.


Your linux home directory is shared between most of our linux-based systems. When you log in to our SSH server triton (see "SSH server" below), you will have access to the same home directory as when logging in to the linux environment in the computer labs (see "Computer labs" below), for instance.

The storage space in your home directory is normally limited to 4GB. If you find that you need to store more data than that, please contact helpdesk with a description of your situation and they will most probably be able to raise your quota as appropriate.

Your home directory contains a hidden file called .k5login. Do not remove this file, as that will lock you out of your home directory. Please contact helpdesk if you need it restored.

There are several alternatives for accessing your home directory from your own computer. All of them are expected to work from anywhere in the world as long as you have internet connectivity.

You can connect using an SFTP client, for example Cyberduck, from any operating system. These details will be required:

  • Protocol: SFTP (as opposed to FTP and FTPS, we only support SFTP)
  • Server name:
  • Port: 22 (default, if your client is trying to use a different port you have probably chosen the wrong protocol)
  • Username: Your SU account name given as abcd1234
  • Password: your SU account password

On linux and macOS you also have the option of connecting using sshfs, which allows you to mount your home directory on your computer and treat it as though it’s just another directory in your file system. Follow these steps:

  • Make sure you have sshfs installed, e.g. brew install sshfs, apt install sshfs, etc.
  • Mount your home directory using the following command in a terminal:
    sshfs /local/dir/to/mount/at
  • To unmount, run the following command in a terminal:
    fusermount -u /local/dir/to/mount/at

Sshfs is also available for windows, but we have not tested it. It is available both as a standalone program and as part of Windows Subsystem for Linux.

If you want to create a personal web page or publish some other content to the web, you can use any of our alternatives for web publishing.


DSV maintains a wordpress multisite available at 
Anyone who has a mail address ending in can sign up for an account and create one or more personal blogs. As a DSV student you have an email alias on the format, that you can use to create your account. The alias points to your address.

Each blog gets its own subdomain on the format It is also possible to connect external domains to a blog. Please contact helpdesk if you are interested in doing so.

The wordpress installation contains lots of themes and plugins. If you want to get additional plugins and/or themes installed you can request installation by contacting helpdesk. The basic requirement for installation is that the plugin or theme is available free of charge at We may also deny installation of a theme or plugin on other grounds, such as security concerns or the requested plugin being substantially similar to one that is already installed.

Unfortunately there is no good way to import a complete blog from outside. If you want to migrate a blog from elsewhere to blogs, you will need to manually recreate the visual look and settings of your original blog, and then import the content from using xml import. Please contact helpdesk for more information and installation of any missing themes and/or plugins.


If you want to create your own web page from scratch, there is a space in your home directory that is intended for that purpose. Any files you place in the subdirectory public_html are automatically published on the web at the address (replace abcd1234 with your SU username). Thus, if you create the file hello.html in your web directory, it will be available at

If you want to execute CGI scripts (such as php), those scripts must be set to be executable for the owner. You can make files executable by using the chmod command in a ssh session or by changing the file properties using your SFTP client. Please contact helpdesk if you encounter any issues.



Daisy contains information about your courses, schedules and grades. You can also register for exams and book group rooms in the Nod Building here. 
Log on to Daisy here

DSV currently has two study platforms. You will find your course on either NextiLearn or iLearn.


SciPro is used as an administrative support tool for students and supervisors during the thesis writing process. 
Log on to SciPro here

All recorded lectures are available on play.
Log on to Play here

Many of the courses at DSV offer personal tutoring. Teachers decide when tutoring sessions are available. All booked tutoring session times and dates can be found on the system’s start page once logged in. When you need tutoring you register in the queue. The teacher will come to the room or computer you indicate when getting in line.
Lot on to the tutoring system here
Find the user manual: Log on to tutoring. Click “Help” in the top right corner.

Triton is our general-purpose SSH server. It is available from anywhere in the world. To connect to triton, you need an SSH client and your SU account credentials.

MacOS and Linux both come with a preinstalled ssh terminal command. To connect to triton you run the following (replace abcd1234 with your SU username):

You will be prompted for a password, use your SU account password.

On windows you will need to install a client yourself (on your own computer, PuTTY is preinstalled in the labs).If you are running an updated version of windows 10 you can install the Windows Subsystem for Linux, which contains an ssh command that you can use from the terminal in the same way as described above for linux and mac. Otherwise the most common SSH client for windows is PuTTY, which is available for download here 
To connect using PuTTY you fill in in the field “Host name (or IP address)” and click “Open”. You will be prompted for both username and password, use you SU credentials.

Unfortunately it is not possible to set up pure SSH key authentication to triton. The background is that your home directory is unlocked only when you have authenticated, and SSH keys are located in your home directory. However, once you have authenticated with a password your home directory stays unlocked for 24 hours, so if you set up SSH key authentication you only need to authenticate with a password at most once per day. Please contact helpdesk if you have any questions.

Triton's SSH fingerprints are:
RSA SHA256:dwtdLO7bRYzQd7BnGCrjsDstGpokFIAWQzAlIh3M208 triton
ECDSA SHA256:zr+JNOrYZAN4bekJ8/eoSWo1AVno2I7YFqJdHuv472E triton
ED25519 SHA256:SOv2AlI+i+NrqbREtTWPfs+2dbqpu3nnDLOvgSwGNB8 triton

If you get prompted to accept or deny an unknown host key, check against the values above before accepting the connection. If you answer yes, your answer will be saved and you will not be prompted again in the future.

If you are missing some program or utility we can probably install it for you. Please contact helpdesk if you are interested. The same goes if you want to change your shell.

DSV maintains a remote desktop service that provides a similar windows environment as that available in the computer labs. It is available from the entire world.
We recommend using microsoft’s official remote desktop client when connecting from windows or macOS. Remote desktop is usually preinstalled on windows under the name “Remote desktop connection”. On macOS there is an official microsoft client available in the app store.

There are several alternatives for linux, for example xfreerdp (for the terminal) and vinagre (GUI).

Students should use the following connection details:

  • Server name:
  • Credentials: abcd1234@SU.SE (replace abcd1234 with your SU account)

If you are missing some program or tool, you can contact helpdesk to see if installation is possible.

The university offers various services to both students and staff. Here we have listed some of them:

  • Office 365: Gives you as a student access to MS Office, OneDrive och Outlook.
  • Survey&Report: A survey tool for both students and staff.
  • Zoom: An e-meeting service for both students and staff.

Other services for students can be found on the university education pages


Licenses and programs

Grammarly is an automated grammar tutor and revision tool available for all DSV students and staff.

Follow these steps to get a premium account:

  1. Go to
  2. Start creating an account by entering your email address in the format (replace abcd1234 with your SU username).
  3. After verifying your email address, proceed with logging in to your newly created account. The first time you log in, you will be asked for an access code.
    You find this code at

This service offers our students a large number of software from Microsoft, that you can use in your education.

To access the service:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the blue "Sign in" button and log in by entering your username in the format (replace abcd1234 with your SU username) and your university password.
  3. When you have logged in to the portal you will be taken to a page called "Education - Quick Start". From here, click on the menu option "Software" to get access to the software and activation keys.

NOTE! The software may only be used for non-commercial purposes!

As a student you have access to a large number of software licenses through the university, for example mathematics, statistics and spelling programs.
You can find a complete list of them on the university education pages


In the Nod Building

The computers in our computer labs provide both windows and linux environments. If you want to switch operating system you simply reboot the computer and make your choice at the blue boot screen. If no choice is made within 5 seconds, windows will boot automatically.

You log in using your SU account details.

If you need some program or tool that isn’t available in the labs, please contact helpdesk with your request. Software requests for the linux environment can usually be accommodated more or less immediately, but the situation on windows is more complicated and we can’t guarantee that we can install requested software quickly if at all.

There is also a computer in each group room, which provides exactly the same environment as that in the computer labs.


There are two printers available on the second floor in Nod.

Instructions for how to use the Printomat printers can be found on the following links:

Add printomat to a personal computer on Printomat (Windows 10) - Serviceportalen (
Add printomat to a personal computer with MacOS - Serviceportalen (
Add Printomat to a personal computer (Linux / Ubuntu / Gnome) - Serviceportalen (

You can buy credits for printouts here: Mina utskrifter ( and press Buy printouts.

There are four student labs on the 2nd floor. These labs are specially equipped. Access to these labs depends on the program and courses you attend. Information is provided to the students concerned. The labs are ID-lab, Media-lab, SÄK-lab and Game-Lab.



DSV Helpdesk takes care of urgent IT problems, forwards inquiries to relevant person and answers questions. If you have questions about how a software works, please consult a teacher or supervisor.

DSV helpdesk
On this page


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