Beatriz from Portugal about her time at Stockholm University

Beatriz, from ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, studied at the Department of Psychology during the fall semester of 2023. Read more about her experience!

Courses taken at the Department of Psychology: Forensic psychology, Social psychology II and Stress and health. All bachelor level courses.

Why did you choose Stockholm University as your exchange study destination?

Photo of a couple of archipelago ferries, docked in the inner city. Flowers in the foreground.
Stockholm is surrounded by water. Photo: Per Larsson

– Due to the quality-of-life Stockholm is known for. It sounded like the best of the options, especially when looking for a completely different experience from my home university. 

How was your arrival to Stockholm and where did you live during the semester? 

– It was very helpful to have the pick-up service from the airport and the reception was very welcoming and went smoothly. There could have been more activities to socialize during the first days. As for accommodation, the university offered me a room in a student housing. 

– While it didn’t affect me directly, it is a huge problem to find accommodation in the city and I wish there would be more support with incoming students. When there is no possibility for the University to offer accommodation, it would be helpful to have more available information on where else to look for it.

From the university to the city itself, Stockholm is a great place to do an exchange semester

What did you think about the quality of the courses?

– The quality greatly depends from course to course. Sometimes the teachers go over the subjects very broadly and don’t teach more advanced subjects. I would still grade the overall level of quality a 4 on a scale of 1-5.  

What is your overall impression of your exchange semester at the Department of Psychology and Stockholm University? 

– Overall it was a very good experience. From the university to the city itself, Stockholm is a great place to do an exchange semester. The department is organized in their reception of international students and the university is very welcoming. 

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