PhD courses

In the PhD programme courses corresponding to 75 credits are included. Of these at least 30 credits should be courses in research methodology and at least 30 credits should be subject courses. This page tries to help you find relevant courses to study and information on how you apply to them.

Apply for a course within the PhD programme by filling in the web form below no later than 30 days before the course starts. If you have any questions, contact:

Apply for a graduate course


Below you will find basic information about the courses given by the Department of Psychology in the autumn of 2024. You can also check if there is a course on the master's level that would fit in your PhD program. Just check with your supervisor and the Head of studies before you apply for one of these courses.

Registered students will find more information in Athena.

Mandatory courses (for PhD students admitted autumn 2024)

The history of psychology and philosophy of science, 7,5 credits

Syllabus PSPVF01 (52 Kb)
Course leader: Pehr Granqvist
Course instructions: The history of psychology and philosophy of science, 7,5 credits, autumn 2024
Course time: 2 September – 2 October 2024
Language: The main language of instruction is English.


Research ethics, 3 – 7,5 credits (Five modules)

Syllabus: See the Department of Philosophy
Course leader: Several teachers
Course instructions: See the Department of Philosophy
Course time: See the Department of Philosophy
Language: The main language of instruction is English.

For further information, please contact


Reproducibility, 3 – 5 credits (reading course)

Syllabus: TBA
Course leader: Stefan Wiens,
Course instructions: Reproducibility, 3 – 5 credits (125 Kb)
Course time: 4 November 2024 – 19 January 2025
Language: The main language of instruction is English.

Alternative option for Reproducibility is this course:

Open Science, 5 credits

Syllabus: See the Department of English

Course leader: 

Course instructions: See the Department of English
Course time: See the Department of English
Language: The main language of instruction is English.


Research Presentation, 4,5 – 9 credits (5 modules)

The course consists of 5 modules. Module 1 and 2 are mandatory.
Syllabi: PSFOP01 (75 Kb) ,  PSFOP11 (75 Kb) ,  PSFOP12 (75 Kb) ,  PSFOP13 (76 Kb) ,  PSFOP14 (72 Kb)
Course leader: Julie Lasselin,
Course instructions: Research Presentation, 4,5 – 9 credits, autumn 2024
Course time: TBA
Language: The main language of instruction is English.

Other PhD courses

Data analysis and causal inference in observational studies for social and medical research, 7,5 credits

Syllabus: PS1DA01 (231 Kb)
Course leader: Linda Magnusson Hanson,
Course instructions Data analysis and causal inference in observational studies for social and medical research (223 Kb) , 7,5 credits
Course time: This course is given in collaboration with the Department of Public Health and will start around November, 2024. 
Language: The main language of instruction is English.


Introduction to Python, 3 credits

Syllabus: TBA
Course leader: Ronald Van den Berg,
Course instructions: Introduction to Python, 3 credits, autumn 2024 (164 Kb)
Course time: First half of October
Language: This course is taught in English.


Introduction to Machine Learning, 7,5 credits

Syllabus: TBA
Course leader: Ronald Van den Berg,
Course instructions: Introduction to Machine Learning, 7,5 credits, autumn 2024 (164 Kb)
Course time: Mid-October to mid-January
Language: This course is taught in English.


Research methods I, 7,5 credits (master course)

Syllabus: PS302FO (234 Kb)  (corresponds to PSMT58) (in Swedish)
Course leader: Mats Nilsson,
Course instructions: Research Methods I, 7,5 credits, autumn 2024 (114 Kb)
Course time: 4 November 2024 – 19 January 2025
Language: This course is taught in English.


Statistics 1, 7,5 credits (master course)

Syllabus: PS303FO (233 Kb)  (corresponds to PSMT59) (in Swedish)
Course leader: Mats Nilsson,
Course instructions: Statistics I, 7,5 credits, autumn 2024 (104 Kb)
Course time: 4 November 2024 – 19 January 2025
Language: This course is taught in English.

More courses may be added later.


Below you will find basic information about the courses given by the Department of Psychology in the spring of 2023. You can also check if there is a course on master's level that would fit in your PhD program. Just check with your supervisor and the Head of studies before you apply for one of these courses.

Registered students on these courses will find more information in Athena.

Academic Writing in Psychology, 7,5 credits

Syllabus: Coming
Study period: 27 March–29 April 2024
Course leader: Christine Fawcett
Course instructions:
Academic Writing in Psychology, 7,5 credits, spring 2024 (242 Kb)
Language: English


Eye tracking methodology for psychological science, 3 credits

Syllabus: Coming
Study period: April–May 2024
Course leader: Johan Lundin Kleberg
Course instructions:
Eye tracking methodology for psychological science, 3 hp, spring 2024, preliminary (100 Kb)
Language: English


Psychoneuroimmunology, 4,5 credits

The course is offered in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet.
Study period: 15–26 January and 12–16 February, 2024
Course leader: Julie Lasselin,
Course co-leader: Mats Lekander,
Course instructions Psychoneuroimmunology, 4,5 credits, spring 2024 (72 Kb)
Language: The course is taught in English.


Statistics 2, 7,5 credits

Syllabus: PS3STA2 (232 Kb)
Study period: 1 February – 28 March 2024
Course leader: Mats E. Nilsson,
Course instructions Statistics 2, 7,5 credits, spring 2024 (162 Kb)
Language: The course is taught in English.


Statistics 2.5: Bayesian multi-level modelling the Rethinking way, 3 credits

Syllabus: PS3ST25 (236 Kb)
Study period: 1 April – 15 April 2024
Course leader: Mats E. Nilsson,
Course instructions Statistics 2.5, 3 credits, spring 2024 (190 Kb)
Language: The course is taught in English.


Qualitative interviewing – Data collection and analysis, 7,5 credits

Course code: PS1FT62
Study period: Part time studies 50%
Course leader: Charlotte Alm,
Course instructions Qualitative interviewing – Data collection and analysis, 7,5 credits, spring 2024 (311 Kb)
Language: The course is given in English. However, if possible, each student can choose if supervision and data collection should be conducted in Swedish instead of in English.


Courses that are offered regularly (usually once a year) or that can be given on demand, for example as literature courses/reading courses.

Advanced Psychedelic Science Journal Club & Factory, 4,5–7,5 credits

Syllabus: PS1PS01
Course leaders: Pehr Granqvist, and Joel Gruneau Brulin,
Course instructions Advanced Psychedelic Science Journal Club & Factory, autumn 2023 (87 Kb)
Course time: Monthly two-hour meetings from autumn semester 2023 (third Tuesdays of each month, 10 am to noon), then marching on continuously.
Language: The seminars are held in English.


Artificial General Intelligence, 7,5 credits

Syllabus: PS3AGI1
Course leader: Robert Johansson,
This course will be given on request from the students.
Course instructions Artificial General Intelligence, 7,5 hp (238 Kb) , autumn 2022
Language: Instruction will be in Swedish or English as needed.


Data analysis and causal inference in observational studies for social and medical research, 7,5 credits

Course leader: Linda Magnusson Hanson,
Course instructions Data analysis and causal inference in observational studies for social and medical research (223 Kb) , 7,5 credits
Course time: This course is given in collaboration with the Department of Public Health and will start around 30 November, 2023. 
Language: The main language of instruction is English.


Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, 7,5 credits

Syllabus: PS304FO
Course leader: Robert Johansson,
This course is offered as a reading course for autumn 2023. Please contact the course leader if you are interested in taking the course.
Course instructions Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy, 7,5 credits (211 Kb) , autumn 2022
Language: Instruction will be in Swedish or English as needed.


Psychometrics, 7,5 credits

Syllabus: PS3FMO2
Course leader: Anders Sjöberg,
Course instructions: Psychometrics, 7,5 credits, autumn 2023
Schedule: Psychoterics, 7,5 credits, autumn 2023
Language: This course is taught in English.


Psychoneuroimmunology, 4,5 credits

The course is offered in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet.
Study period: 15–26 January and 12–16 February, 2024
Course leader: Julie Lasselin,
Course co-leader: Mats Lekander,
Course instructions Psychoneuroimmunology, 4,5 credits, spring 2024 (72 Kb)
Language: The course is taught in English.


Qualitative interviewing – Data collection and analysis, 7,5 credits

Course code: PS1FT62
Study period: Part time studies 50%
Course leader: Charlotte Alm,
Course instructions Qualitative interviewing – Data collection and analysis, 7,5 credits, spring 2024 (311 Kb)
Language: The course is given in English. However, if possible, each student can choose if supervision and data collection should be conducted in Swedish instead of in English.


Reproducibility, 3 – 5 credits

Type: Literature course
Course leader: Stefan Wiens,
Syllabus/Cours information: Reproducibility, 3 – 5 credits (125 Kb)


Research Methods I, 7,5 credits

Syllabus: PS302FO (corresponds to PSMT58) (in Swedish)
Course leader: Mats Nilsson,
Course instructions Research Methods I, 7,5 credits, autumn 2024 (114 Kb)
Language: This course is taught in English.


Statistics 1, 7,5 credits

Syllabus: PS303FO (corresponds to PSMT59) (in Swedish)
Course leader: Mats Nilsson,
Course instructions Statistics I, 7,5 credits, autumn 2024 (104 Kb)
Language: This course is taught in English.


Statistics 2, 7,5 credits

Syllabus: PS3STA2
Study period: 1 February – 28 March 2024
Course leader: Mats E. Nilsson,
Course instructions Statistics 2, 7,5 credits, spring 2024 (162 Kb)
Language: The course is taught in English.


Statistics 2.5: Bayesian multi-level modelling the Rethinking way, 3 credits

Syllabus: PS3ST25
Study period: 1 April – 15 April 2024
Course leader: Mats E. Nilsson,
Course instructions Statistics 2.5, 3 credits, spring 2024 (190 Kb)
Language: The course is taught in English.


Sustainable career development, 7,5 credits

Course leader: Claudia Bernhard Oettel,
Syllabus/Cours information: Sustainable career development, 7,5 credits (74 Kb)


Trends in Cognitions, 7,5 credits

Course code: PSMT61
Study period: 16 January – 26 March 2023 parttime 50%
Course leader: Jonas Olofsson,
Course instructions: Trends in cognition, 7,5 credits, spring 2023 (128 Kb)
Language: The course is taught in English.



PhD courses at other departments or universities

But wait, there is more!

Depending on your subject area other courses may be relevant to your thesis. Before taking such a course at another department, you must check with your supervisor and with the head of PhD studies who need to approve before it can be credited within the programme.

To get a course credited you should fill out the appropriate form along with certificates on course credits achieved and a list of course literature. You can order the form from

Other departments at the Faculty of Social Science offer a great number of courses that you can choose from.

Find more PhD courses (partly in Swedish)

If there is a course at another university that you would like to take, that can usually be arranged after an agreement has been settled. Talk with your supervisor and the head of phd studies.

Here is a list of universities and other institutions arranging courses that can be credited in your studies.

PhD courses for students at the Faculty of Social Science, Stockholm University

Department of Education, Stockholm University

Department of Sociology, Stockholm University

Karolinska Institutet


Department of Psychology, Uppsala University

NordForsk – Nordic Research Board

Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg

Department of Psychology, Umeå University

Department of Psychology, Lund University

Please contact our head of phd studies for more information:
Professor Mats Nilsson,



Student Office - PhD level
Head of PhD Studies

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