

Postal address

Stockholm University
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Svante Arrhenius väg 16C
SE-106 91 Stockholm

Billing address

Stockholms universitet
190 87 Rosersberg
Reference: 431

Org. number: 202100-3062
VAT number: SE202100-306201

Information to suppliers about invoices, payments and e-commerce

Visiting address: Svante Arrhenius väg 16C


Press and media contact

Please contact the individual researcher that you are interested in directly or refer to the university press office for publicity and media services.

Press and media


Department management

The department is led by the Head of Department, who has the overall financial and organisational responsibility, and is also the Head of the Department Board.

Head of Department
Deputy Head of Department
Associate Head of Department with responsibility for undergraduate studies
Associate Head of Department with responsibility for SciLifeLab
Head of Administration

Administrative/Technical staff


Research group leaders


Researchers, postdocs, visiting scientists




Directors of studies

Studierektor för doktorandstudier
Director of Master's Studies/Master's programme coordinator Neurochemistry w. molecular neurobiology
Director of Bachelor's Studies

PhD students

On this page

