General Circulation of atmosphere and ocean, 15hp

This course deals with the general circulation of the atmosphere and the ocean and how they interact mutually and influence Earth’s climate. The interplay between the large-scale circulation and small-scale physical/chemical processes as well as climate-relevant biogeochemical cycles are considered.

Hav och isberg. Foto: Johan Nilsson


Description of the course

The course begins with a description of the observed state of the climate system and a delineation of current main research questions. This is followed by examinations of the atmospheric radiative-convective equilibrium, the tropical and extratropical circulation of the atmosphere, and oceanic wind-driven gyre and meridional overturning circulations. Further, it is considered how the general circulation responds to and interacts with changes of Earth’s mean global temperature are discussed.

Hav och himmel sedd från fartygsdäck. Foto: Johan Nilsson


How is the course organized?

The course consists of lectures.


Take-home problems.


This course will run during the autumn semester 2022. The 11 main lectures will be held on Thursdays 15 September to 24 November, at 15:15-17:00. During the same period, there will also be a number of lectures on specific topics, provisionally on a number of Wednesdays at 15:15-17:00. A detailed schedule for the topical lectures will be announced in the middle of August.

Course Literature

G. K. Vallis: Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics

Research articles

Responsible teacher - contact

Johan Nilsson (

Hav och himmel. Foto: Johan Nilsson


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