Code of honour and disciplinary matters at the Department of Mathematics

The Code of Honour at the Department of Mathematics intends to clarify and supplement the univerity regulations for examinations. You as a student should be familiar with the content and act accordingly.

The most common form of cheating at the Department of Mathematics is the copying of text or program code written by someone else (plagiarism), and it is usually discovered through automatic tools for matching text. If a student is found guilty of this it usually leads to two months' suspension from studying at Stockholm University.

Guidelines for Disciplinary Matters at Stockholm University

To clarify the difference between working together or receiving help from someone, and plagiarism or other forms of cheating, we have put together a code of honour. You who are a student should be familiar with the content and act accordingly.

Information from the student ombudsmen about disciplinary matters and the support they can offer


Our code of honour intends to clarify and supplement the university regulations for seated examinations, and focuses mainly on other types of examination than written exams, like computer laborations.

1. When working in groups, each member shall contribute equally.

Cooperation within the group is of course permitted. All members of the group must be able to give an individual account of the entire assignment and the entire solution.

2. What you present as your own work must be your own work; if others have contributed, you must disclose this.

For programming tasks, it may be natural to include ready-to-use examples available in the course literature or provided by the course coordinators. This must be clearly declared, e.g. in the form of comments in the code.

Anyone using an idea originating from someone else must give a clear acknowledgement of the originator of the idea. This also applies to ideas communicated orally, such as in discussions with other students.

When you have difficulty with a (programming) task, you may need to ask a supervisor or another student for tips or help with troubleshooting. This is permitted, but when the help is of fundamental importance it must be clearly reported in an appropriate manner, e.g., in the form of comments in the code or in the laboratory report. Anyone seeking help to solve a task must do so with the aim of increasing their understanding, and not in order to complete the task as quickly and easily as possible.

Discussions between students are of course encouraged, but after the discussion each individual must arrive at their own solution.

A student who has contributed inadequately to the solution, according to the assessment of the examining teacher, has not performed well enough to pass the course component in question.

3. Every student must write their own text/program code.

The copying of text and program code (plagiarism) is not allowed, even if it is rewritten so that the surface structure is different but the content is the same.

4. Handle attendance lists correctly.

For some course components attendance is mandatory. This can be checked e.g. via attendance lists. It is not allowed to attempt to give the impression that someone attended even though they did not (e.g., by writing down a fellow student's name on the attendance list in addition to one's own).

5. Give help in the right way.

Helping a fellow student who gets into difficulty with a task is positive and instructive for both the recipient and provider of the help. Provided that this takes place in the right way.

Discussions between students about problems are encouraged. To explain to someone else, who has not yet understood some important aspect, is valuable for your own learning.

Just as someone seeking help to solve their task must do so with the aim of increasing their understanding (see point 2 above), the provider of the help must do so with the aim of ensuring that the recipient of the help understands the problem (and not for the recipient to complete the task as quickly and easily as possible).

It is therefore not permitted to deliberately act so that other students can easily copy your text or program code.


You who are a student at the Department of Mathematics should also be familiar with, and act according to, the rules and for examination at Stockholm University. Read more about them here:

Regulations for written seated examination, Stockholm University

There is also an internal document that covers, among other things, rules for examination. For instance, you are not allowed to re-take an examination that you have already passed, and if you hand in if you turn in a "blank exam answer", the examination is to be graded with a failing grade. The whole document is quite long but you can find it here if you would like to read it:

Regulations for education and examination at first-cycle and second-cycle level



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