Exams off campus

It is easiest if you can take part in the exam on campus in Stockholm. If you are not able to do so, it may in some circumstances be possible to sit the exam elsewhere. On this page you can read about the requirements for sitting exams elsewhere.

Do you want to take an exam off campus in January? If so the deadline to apply is 9 August, details on how you apply can be found below.

Firstly, exams off campus are not something that Stockholm University arranges for students, and other universities have no responsibility to provide a place for our students to sit exams - that is, it is not a right and it may not always be possible to sit an exam off campus. Make sure to plan well in advance if you are not able to come to Stockholm for the exam, that may make it easier to find a place to sit the exam.

Please note that you usually have to be registered on a distance course to be allowed to sit an exam off campus, though it may also be allowed in some other exceptional cases (but being away on holiday, for example, does not count as an exceptional case and in this situation we refer you to the re-exam).


Where can I sit the exam?

Exams off campus may take place at a university or university college, in Sweden or abroad. If you are abroad, we can also allow Swedish embassies or consulates general (but not honorary consulates).

In Sweden, we also allow some learning centres (in Swedish "lärcentrum"), specifically those that are part of the network Nitus.

Nitus' list of learning centres (Swedish page)

We do not allow our exams to take place in for instance libraries, high schools (or "komvux"), private companies, your place of work, or similar.



As a rule, you have to be taking a distance course to be allowed to sit an exam off campus, but each application is individually assessed and if you have exceptional reasons it may be allowed in other cases as well.

The following requirements must be met:

  • The place where you sit the exam (e.g. the university or embassy) must provide an invigilator who is present and oversees the exam during the entire time you are sitting the exam.
  • The place where you sit the exam must be able to receive the exam by email, we cannot send it by post.
  • You must sit the exam on the same day and at the same time as it takes place on campus in Stockholm.
  • If the place where you sit the exam charges any fee for providing this service, this fee is paid by the student.

Limited number of tries

You cannot take the same exam off campus more than twice, after that if you have not passed the exam we refer you to exams on campus. If a course has several exams for different parts of the course, then you get two tries for each part of the course (i.e. each exam). The limit applies even if you are re-registered, so you do not get more chances to take the exam off campus because you are re-registered.

If we have approved your application to take your exam off campus and you cancel less than 10 days in advance, or don't cancel but fail to show up for the exam, this counts as having used one of your chances to take the exam off campus.


Instructions and deadlines

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Contact a university, embassy, or other place where we allow exams and ask if they can provide a place and an invigilator on the same day and at the same time as the exam takes place in Stockholm. If they say yes, note down the name, position, telephone number and email address of your contact person there.
  2. Apply to sit an exam off campus by filling in the form below (DO NOT sign up in Ladok if you are not sitting the exam on campus). Normally you must fill in the form at least three weeks before the exam, but the deadline may be earlier around holidays. For exams in January 2025, the deadline is 9 December 2024.
    Sign up for the exam via this form
  3. If your application is approved we will confirm it by email. Without this confirmation you may not sit the exam off campus. If we have not contacted you 10 days before the exam, contact us at distanstentamen@math.su.se.

If you wish to sit several exams off campus, fill in the form once for each exam. Incomplete applications will not be processed.



If you have any questions about sitting exams off campus, please contact distanstentamen@math.su.se

If the place where you intend to sit the exam wants our contact details, you can give the same email address and the telephone number +468164520 (this is the number for the Student Office, you can find their telephone hours on math.su.se/studentcontact).

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