The seabed of the Arctic Ocean is still largely unknown. But over the past four years, a seabed area three times the size of Sweden has been mapped. A significant part of the work has been carried out by Swedish researchers on the icebreaker Oden.
The ORIGIN sounding rocket project studies a light phenomenon in the Earth´s middle atmosphere called “airglow” (dayglow during the day; nightglow at night). Between January 24 – February 3 and February 16 – March 4, two sounding rockets will be launched from Esrange Space Center in northern Sweden to investigate these emissions.
Clouds play a key role in the Earth’s climate, but are also a source of uncertainty in climate models. Annica Ekman is developing a new model to describe cloud formation at the Earth’s poles, with the aim of making more reliable predictions about our future climate.
Deep in the Arctic Ocean, the seabed is frozen, but now that the permafrost is thawing, large quantities of methane gas may rise to the surface. Birgit Wild wants to find models to predict what this means for the climate.