PhD programme at MISU

Open PhD positions at MISU are announced on MISU's website under Work with us and at SU PhD positions as well as on various job search sites.

You apply for PhD positions through the job advertisements, where there are instructions on how to proceed.

Open PhD positions at the department are announced during the time periods listed below. Open positions are usually announced in April and October but June and August announcements may also be made when needed.

All dates for planned PhD position announcements 2024:

  • 2 April 2024 - closing date 23 April 2024
  • 23 May 2024 - closing date 13 June 2024
  • 9 August 2024 - closing date 30 August 2024
  • 15 October 2024 - closing date 5 November 2024

To apply for doctoral studies at MISU, one must have a minimum of 240 university credits (ECTS) consisting of at least: 90 ECTS within meteorology, oceanography, physics or chemistry; 15 ECTS of mathematics; and 15 ECTS thesis work. 60 ECTS must be at advanced level. Other qualifications may apply for those who have studied abroad.

Complete information about PhD studies at MISU is found in the documents below:

General syllabus for doctoral studies in Atmospheric Sciences and Oceanography

Examination criteria for the research education (PhD or Licentiate)

PhD seminars, committee meetings and forms

PhD courses in 2024

Introduction to Climate Modelling, May-August 2024. Contact teacher: Gunilla Svensson (

All PhD level courses

Advanced Oceanography, 7.5 hp

Boundary layer meteorology, 7.5 hp

Dynamic Meteorology, 15 hp

General Circulation of atmosphere and ocean, 15 hp

Introduction to Climate Modeling, 5 hp

IPCC and the science of AR6, 5 hp

Mathematical Methods in Meteorology and Oceanography, 7.5 hp

Statistical Climatology, 7.5 hp

The Middle Atmosphere II, 7.5 hp

PhD-level courses are given on demand and may not be given every year. If you are interested in taking a particular course, please contact our Director of Doctoral Studies.

It is also possible to take any of our master courses for PhD credits, as long as it conforms to your Individual Study Plan. If, for example, you do not have a background in meteorology we recommend that you take Meteorology I and Meteorology II. Several other master's courses are often taken as PhD-level courses. If you want to take a MSc-level course for PhD credits, please contact the MISU study counselor.

Graduate courses on climate issues can also be found on the websites of the Climate Research School of the Bert Bolin Centre for Climate Research. Also note that the Swedish e-Science Education offers a wide range of courses including programming, data management and modeling.

It is also possible to take courses at other departments at Stockholm University or at other universities in Sweden or abroad for PhD-level credits on our program, Atmospheric Sciences and Oceanography.


Introduction to Climate Modelling: Gunilla Svensson

Other courses: Johan Nilsson & Thorsten Mauritsen

The courses below are given at regular intervals at the Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching, and all count towards the PhD course requirements.

  • Introduction to teaching (3hp)
  • Professional development course 1: Teaching and Learning, Blended (7.5hp)
  • Professional development course 2: Teaching and Learning in Science and Mathematics (7.5hp)

In order to receive a Licentiate of Philosophy degree from MISU, a licentiate seminar is required. More information about MISU's licentiate degree can be found in the link below:

Information on Licentiate Seminars at MISU

A doctoral degree requires a public defense of the dissertation. Below is MISU's procedure for the preparations of the dissertation and defense:

PhD defense and dissertation

Do you have questions regarding MISU's PhD programme?

Please contact the Director of studies, see contact information below.



Director of studies for PhD programme
Study counselor

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