During your studies
On this page, we have gathered general information which can be useful to you during your time with us at SULaw. Read below to learn more about our academic system, your rights and duties as a student, as well as the various support services available at the university.
Our Study System
The academic system at SULaw might be somewhat different from what our exchange and master students experienced in their home countries. Below is therefore a practical summary of how things work at our department (e.g. semesters, grades, courses, types of classes, exams etc).
Study Stucture and Credit System
The courses offered to international exchange students by the Faculty of Law are worth 15 ECTS credits and cover a study period of 10 weeks. The courses offered to international master students can vary between 7,5-30 ECTS.
Students must sit examinations at the end of each course and there is always a possibility to re-examination if you fail. Please note that once you have passed an exam you are not allowed to re-sit in order to obtain a higher grade.
Each course has its own individual web page where students can find schedule, reading lists and more. The schedules are published on the course web page at the latest one month before the course starts.
If you have questions about the schedule and/or the contents of the course, please contact the course administrator. Their name and contact details are to be found on the course web page.
Credit System
Each academic year is divided into two semesters. The autumn semester runs from August to January and the spring semester runs from January to June. At the Faculty of Law at Stockholm University, each semester is further divided into two periods, period A and B.
The Swedish credit system is based on 1,5 Higher Education Credits (HEC) for each week of full-time studies (approx. 40 hours). This means that a course spanning ten weeks is worth 15 ECTS credits. 30 ECTS credits per semester or 60 HEC/ECTS credits per academic year are considered full-time studies.
Study Structure
Most foreign students will attend classes with a maximum of 30-35 students. The teaching method is problem-based/Socratic. No more than 6-8 class hours per week are scheduled and preparations before classes are therefore important. Students are also expected to be active participants in class. Further instructions are given in the guidelines of the respective courses. All our courses have an attendance requirement of 80% of all classroom teaching.
Exam registration
In order to be allowed to write exams, all students must have previously registered for said exam in LADOK. Any student who fails to register will unfortunately be denied access to the exam. More information is provided in due time by the course coordinators.
Regulations and rules for examinations
Courses at SULaw can be examined in a number of ways (e.g. classroom exams, home exam, essays, seminars, moot courts etc). Information about what type of examination applies to your course(s) is clearly stated in the course description on the course web page. Below are the general rules for examination at the Department of Law:
Rules for examination at the Department of Law
You can also find more general information about examination at the university on the following page:
Incoming international students will be graded in accordance with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) where the grading scale is A-F (A, B, C, D, E, F – FX). The grading scale was designed by the European Commission to provide a common measure and facilitate the transfer of students and their grades between European higher education institutions.
Official Transcripts of Records
After they have completed a course, students can log in their LADOK account and download an official transcript of records (free of charge), which comes with a verification code that the student's home university can use to authenticate the document. Students whose home university requires a hard copy of the transcript stamped and signed by SULaw should contact the Office of International Affairs instead.
Grade Review
If a student wishes to request a review of a grading decision, they should use the form attached to this page along with a copy of the exam or assignment that the grading decision in question is based on. As explained in the form, the reasons for the request must be clearly stated and based on prescribed grading criteria and learning outcomes for that specific course.
Please note:
- All grade review requests are registered.
- There is no time limit for when a request for grade review can be submitted, but we recommend that the student contacts the course coordinator as soon as possible.
- Students must submit their request using the contact e-mail address for the course in question, which can be found on the course's web page.
To submit a request for grade review, please use the following form:
Form - request for grade correction (158 Kb)
Students who wish to appeal any decision made by the Department of Law may do within a time limit of 3 weeks from the date the student was communicated the decision. The appeal should be written in the form of a letter, where the student first clearly states the decision to be appealed, and then explains in details the reason why the decision should be changed. The letter should be addressed to the Swedish Higher Education Appeals Board but sent to the address below:
Kanslichef, Internationella kontoret, Juridiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet, 106 91 Stockholm.
Important: on Plagiarism
What is plagiarism?
Failing to acknowledge someone else’s words or ideas in one’s own work, whether this is accidental or deliberate, is called plagiarism. In other words, if you copy a sentence, a paragraph or an even larger part of someone else’s work, and paste it into your own thesis, essay, assignment or report, without providing the source or clearly indicating that you are quoting, you will committing plagiarism, regardless of whether the copied text was taken from a book, a court case, a law journal, preparatory course materials, or a website. Note that you must also avoid self-plagiarism, i.e. using some of your own texts, which you have produced in a different context, without including proper references.
Avoiding Plagiarism
When you want to reproduce material you have read, you must either rephrase it in your own words, or quote it directly. In both case, you must acknowledge your use of it by using some form of reference, e.g. a footnote . In order to avoid accidental plagiarism, you must therefore be familiar with the academic rules for citation and source reference.
Refero is a web-based tutorial developed by the libraries of Blekinge Institute of Technology and Linnaeus University and which shows you how to implement other people’s texts in your writing and how to avoid plagiarism. Check it out!
See the section on referencing and plagiarism on Stockholm University Library’s tutorial:
Searching information for your essay
Disciplinary Report
Exchange students, just like Swedish students, have to comply with Stockholm University’s regulations against plagiarism. All assignments that students submit are automatically cross-checked for plagiarism. Any suspicion of cheating is reported to the head of the department and a report may be sent to the Disciplinary Board at Stockholm University. If the student is found guilty, they may be expelled.
Cheating and plagiarism – how disciplinary cases are handled at SU
Student Representation and Rights
As a student at SULaw, it is essential for you to know about your rights and your duties. Read below to learn more about student representation, student rights, and how Stockholm University ensures equal treatment of all its students.
Student Associations
Law Students Association (JF)
JF (Juridiska föreningen) offers a wide range of activities, including weekly pub nights, get-togethers, sports activities, meetings with the business community and job fairs. They also manage the International Law Student Sponsorship.
The European Law Students' Association (ELSA)
ELSA in Stockholm offers career development through activities like lunch lectures, workshops, and networking events. As the name suggests, they have a Europe-wide network.
European Law Students' Association
Stockholm University's Student Union
In addition to ensuring that students have a good working environment, the Student Union (Kåren) hosts clubs for many different groups, from Muslim to LGBTQ to Improvisational Theatre. They also have international student coordinators who provide advice and host excursions and party events.
Student Rights
Who to turn to if you have comments to make about your studies?
If you as a student have comments to make on your studies, you should contact the Department of Law's student council, Linjerådet, which is a part of the Department's decision-making body and can take up questions during meetings:
On the university's Student Union's web page, you can also read about the other student councils :
Do you feel like you have been treated wrongly or unjustly in a specific issue?
If so, you can turn to the Student Union's student ombud:
Discrimination and sexual harassment
If you as a student feel discriminated against or have been subjected to sexual harassment, you should primarily contact the head of the Department of Law: Gustaf Sjöberg (room C 889, tel: +46 8-16 39 72). You can also turn to deputy head of department Jane Reichel (room C 910, tel: +46 8-16 26 14) or to the director of studies Viktoria Pettersson (room C 454, tel: +46 8-16 13 04). It is also possible to talk to a teacher or to any other employee whom you trust. If the institution does not take any action despite the fact that you raised the issue or if for some reason you feel that you want to speak to someone outside the department, you are welcome to contact the university's Coordinator for equal treatment of students. You can also turn to them if you are an applicant for studies at the university and feel that you are being discriminated against.
Students' rights and responsibilities
We invite you to read all information about students' rights and responsibilities at Stockholm University:
Your rights and responsibilities
Health and Safety
Information about who to turn to in case of an emergency can be found on the university's web page on crisis support.
Coordinator for Equal Treatment of Students
All students at Stockholm University are entitled to equal treatment and respect irrespective of sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age. The coordinators' assignment/mandate is based on the Swedish Discrimination Act of 2008:
Services for Current Students
Many services are available centrally to help students in all sorts of matters throughout their studies at SULaw, e.g. academic writing services, sporting activities or health services.
Academic Writing Service
The Academic Writing Service provides language support to all students who write their course work, e.g. essays, reports, research papers, theses etc. in English. All services are free of charge for students at Stockholm University.
Student Health Services
Stockholm University's Student Health Services can help you deal with any physical, psychological or social issues that may affect your study situation. They can also help you to navigate the healthcare system if you need other medical care. All visits are free of charge.
IT for Students
Your university account gives you access to a number of IT services at Stockholm University. Read about e.g. how to activate your student account, get access to all library services, or troubleshoot common IT issues on Stockholm University's IT for students pages.
Sporting Activities
Frescati Sports Center (Frescatihallen), a 6,250 m2 sports complex, is just a few minutes’ walk from SULaw and offers affordable prices to university students. There are different areas that have cardio equipment, weights, classes, swimming, yoga, martial arts, and rental of indoor courts.
Moot Courts
Participating in moot court competitions is a challenging, fun, and rewarding activity that enriches legal education.
Read below to learn more about mooting opportunities at our department.
Last updated: June 14, 2023
Source: Department name