Course list overview

Are you looking for courses in mathematics, mathematical statistics, computer science or scientific computing? Here is an overview of courses given at the Department of Mathematics, and when they are usually given.

On this page you can find our active courses, and when they are usually given. This should not be taken as a promise that they will always be given at these times, courses can move because a programme changes, or be given less frequently if not enough students are interested in them. We decide which courses to give for one academic year at a time, and you can see course instances that have been published in the course catalogue by clicking on the course names, or at the bottom of this page under "Search among our courses and programmes".

This list does not contain courses that are only ever given in Swedish, but some courses on this page are sometimes given in Swedish and sometimes in English. The language for each course instance is shown in the course catalogue.

Courses given only in Swedish can be found on the Swedish version of this page



Here are our courses in mathematics. Click on the course names to read more about the courses in the course catalogue, and to see upcoming course instances. Please note that many second cycle courses are only given every other year, and sometimes more seldom, and when the course is not given in the next few semesters the course's page in the catalogue may not be published.

Several second cycle courses in mathematics are given together with KTH. You can find information about these in a separate section, just above the list of second cycle courses.

Please note: these lists only show when the courses are usually given, this does not mean that they will always be given att that time. Future course instances are decided for one academic year at a time.

Course code Course name Credits Fall Spring Summer Comment
MM1005 Mathematics for Economic and Statistical Analysis 7.5 A      
MM3001 Mathematical Methods for Economists 7.5 AB AB    
MM5020 Mathematics III - Abstract algebra 7.5   AB Yes

the summer instance is a distance course

MM5021 Mathematics III - Foundations of Analysis 7.5 CD   Yes the summer instance is a distance course
MM5022 Mathematics III - Complex Analysis 7.5 AB      
MM5023 Mathematics III - Combinatorics 7.5 CD     may be a distance course
MM5024 Mathematics III - Logic 7.5   CD    
MM5026 Mathematics III - Ordinary Differential Equations 7.5   CD    

We have a cooperation with KTH in mathematics at second cycle level, and many, but not all, of our second cycle mathematics courses are given jointly - you can see in the table below which courses this applies to.

For courses given jointly:

  • Some courses are taught by SU and some by KTH, and a few are taught jointly, that is, with one teacher from each university.
  • You can see in the table which university has, at least recently, been responsible for the examination of each course. This can vary so check the course web for the course you are taking.
  • Courses that are examined by KTH have a separate course code at KTH, and programme students are enrolled in this version but those who are taking the course as a separate course must apply to the SU-version since you can't apply to KTH-courses as separate courses.
  • Of the courses given jointly with KTH, some are given every year and other usually every year but sometimes more seldom.

Course admittance if you are a student on the master's programme in mathematics

If you are a programme student you should be enrolled in KTH-versions rather than SU-versions of courses if they are examined by KTH. You should get information from the programme director about this, and how to apply for courses at SU and KTH.

Course admittance for others

If you are taking separate courses, or if you are a student on some other programme than the master's programme in mathematics, you can apply to the SU-versions of the courses via

Course web and examination if you are enrolled in an SU-version of a course

If you are enrolled in an SU-version of a course that is taught at KTH and so has its course web there, you get a KTH account so that you can access the course web in KTH's Canvas.

However, you need to sign up for exams given at KTH through a special form, see information about signing up for exams.

Courses outside of the cooperation with KTH

We have second cycle courses in mathematics that are not given jointly with KTH, and these are available for all students, whether or not they are taking the joint programme. There are also courses at KTH that do not have a corresponding version at SU and these are not available to students taking separate courses.

Degree within or outside of the programme

You can get a master's degree in mathematics within the programme, or with separate courses. Either way, you apply for your degree via SU's Ladok, see how to apply for your degree.

Course code Course name Credits Fall even years Spring odd years Fall odd years Spring even years Comment
MM7020 Mathematical Communication 7.5 ABCD   ABCD   joint with KTH (exam SU)
MM7022 Logic II 7.5     ABCD    
MM7024 Linear Algebra and Learning from Data 7.5 AB   AB    
MM7025 Computer algebra 7.5   ABCD      
MM7026 Advanced Complex Analysis 7.5       ABCD joint with KTH (exam KTH)
MM7027 Dynamic Systems and Optimal Control Theory 7.5       CD  
MM7028 Optimization 7.5 CD   CD    
MM7029 Mathematics of cryptography 7.5   AB   AB  
MM7031 Enumerative combinatorics 7.5 ABCD       joint with KTH (exam KTH)
MM7032 Spectral Geometry of Graphs 7.5         joint with KTH (exam SU); irregular
MM7033 Advanced algebra 7.5 ABCD   ABCD    
MM7042 Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry 7.5         last offered fall 2022, not decided when it will be offered again; joint with KTH (exam SU)
MM7043 Galois Theory 7.5 ABCD       joint with KTH (exam SU)
MM7044 Fourier Analysis 7.5     ABCD   joint with KTH (exam KTH)
MM7045 Graph theory 7.5     ABCD   joint with KTH (exam KTH)
MM7046 Advanced Real Analysis I 7.5 ABCD   ABCD   joint with KTH (exam KTH)
MM7048 Set theory and metamathematics 7.5       ABCD  
MM7049 Number theory 7.5       ABCD joint with KTH (exam KTH)
MM7050 Representation theory of finite groups 7.5       ABCD joint with KTH (exam SU); may be more irregular
MM7051 Differential Geometry 7.5   ABCD     joint with KTH (exam KTH)
MM7052 Topology 7.5 ABCD   ABCD   joint with KTH (exam SU)
MM7053 Partial Differential Equations 7.5     ABCD   joint with KTH (exam SU)
MM8036 Type theory 7.5   ABCD      
MM8040 Function Theory of Several Complex Variables 7.5 ABCD       joint with KTH (exam SU)
MM8042 Algebraic Topology 7.5       ABCD joint with KTH (exam SU)
MM8043 Reductive Algebraic Groups 7.5 ABCD       joint with KTH (exam SU)
MM8044 Advanced Real Analysis II 7.5   ABCD     joint with KTH (exam SU)
MM9008 Mathematics, Degree Project 30 ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD  

Mathematical statistics

Here are our courses in mathematical statistics. Click on the course names to read more about the courses in the course catalogue, and to see upcoming course instances. Please note that many second cycle courses are only given every other year, and when the course is not given in the next few semesters the course's page in the catalogue may not be published.

Please note: these lists only show when the courses are usually given, this does not mean that they will always be given att that time. Future course instances are decided for one academic year at a time.

Course code Course name Credits Fall Spring Comment
MT5009 Introduction to Finance Mathematics 7.5   CD only even years
MT5011 Basic Insurance Mathematics 7.5   CD only odd years
MT5012 Stochastic Processes and Simulation II 7.5   CD  
MT5017 Theory of Statistical Inference 7.5 AB    
MT5019 Categorical Data Analysis 7.5 CD   replaced by MT5022 from 2025
MT5020 The Mathematics and Statistics of Infectious Disease Outbreaks 7.5     irregular, given in CD spring 2025
MT5022 Classification and Analysis of Categorical Data 7.5 CD   replaces MT5019 from 2025
Course code Course name Credits Fall even years Spring odd years Fall odd years Spring even years Comment
MT7027 Risk models and claims reserving in non-life insurance 7.5   AB   AB  
MT7037 Statistical Information Theory 7.5     CD   starting 2025
MT7040 Networks and Epidemics 7.5         over the entire semester, some autumns
MT7041 Markov chains and mixing times 7.5         over the entire semester, some autumns
MT7042 Statistical Deep Learning 7.5   AB   AB starting 2026, also given in CD autumn 2024
MT7043 Brownian motion and stochastic differential equations 7.5         over the entire semester, some autumns, given 2024
MT7045 Bayesian Methods 7.5     AB    
MT7046 Statistical Models 7.5       CD not given 2025
MT7047 Probability Theory III 7.5 AB   AB    
MT7048 Survival Analysis 7.5          
MT7049 Statistical Learning 7.5 CD   CD    
MT7050 Unsupervised Learning 7.5 AB        
MT7051 Reinforcement Learning 7.5 CD


    starting 2026, also given in AB spring 2025

Inference and prediction for life and health processes

7.5 AB        
MT9012 Insurance Mathematics, Degree Project 30 ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD  
MT9013 Mathematical Statistics, Degree Project 30 ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD  


  • Courses that are moving: We are planning a new arrangement for when the four courses MT7037, MT7042, MT7050 and MT7051 will be given in future. Most of the courses will settle in their new slots from about the autumn 2025, but they may be given at other times before then as noted in the comments column. We also intend to give one of the three courses MT7040, MT7041 and MT7043 each autumn, though which one is given will vary.

Computer science and scientific computing

Here are our courses in computer science and scientific computing. Click on the course names to read more about the courses in the course catalogue, and to see upcoming course instances.

Some second cycle courses in computer science and scientific computing are given via KTH. More information will be available in the course catalogue, or sent out before the course starts.

Please note: these lists only show when the courses are usually given, this does not mean that they will always be given att that time. Future course instances are decided for one academic year at a time.

Course code Course name Credits Fall Spring Summer Comment
DA2005 Programming Techniques 7.5 CD AB Yes usually only given in English in the spring, as a distance course
DA4004 Introduction to Machine Learning 7.5   CD    
DA4005 Algorithms and Complexity 7.5 AB      
DA4006 Datastructures and algorithms 7.5   CD    
DA4007 Programming techniques II 7.5 AB      
MM5016 Numerical Analysis I 7.5   CD    
DA5001 Numerical analysis II 7.5 CD      


Course code Course name Credits Fall Spring Comment
BE7009 Advanced Numerical Methods 7.5 CD   via KTH, SCI school
BE7012 Parallel Computations for Large-Scale Problems 7.5   ABCD via KTH, SCI school
DA7048 Modelling of Processes in Cell Biology 7.5 AB   via KTH, EECS school
DA7065 Computational Biology 7.5   AB  
DA7067 Computational Mathematics 7.5 AB    
DA8001 Program Construction in C++ for Physicists 7.5 ABCD   via KTH, SCI school



The course I'm looking for is not on the list, or the link doesn't work

Couses that are not active (that is, courses that are not given currently and don't have any future course instances published yet), or that have been revoked, are not on the lists above. Neither are courses that are only ever given in Swedish, these are shown on the Swedish version of this page.

Swedish page, including courses given only in Swedish

Archive of syllabuses, including non-active and revoked courses

The links in the list above may not work when the course has no current course instance, because the page in the course catalogue is then no longer published. It will work again when the next course instance is published, and in the mean time you can find information in the archive.

Search among our courses and programmes